%ENCRYPT()% function
Encrypt a characeter string.
This function is valid for request parameter name, request parameter value, CSV column name, CSV column value and success string at prologue, CSV upload, epilogue.
Return valuevalue type 
1st arg.character string typeCurrently only "DES_CBC"
2nd arg.character string typeCBC initial value. 8 byte length ASCII string.
3rd arg.character string typeDES key string. 8, 16, 24, 32 byte length ASCII string.
4th arg.character string typeCharacter string to encrypt.
Recive with Python.
%ENCRYPT()% function encodes with Base64 after encrypted.
This sample script uses pyDes. The detail of pyDes library, please see the pyDes home page.
# Start Python script.
import base64
from pyDes import des, CBC, PAD_NORMAL

# In this script, encrypted_string is the data sent from CsvToWebRec.
b64_dec = base64.b64decode(encrypted_string)
# 'ABCDEFGH' as a CDC initial bvalue, 'IJKLMNOP' as a DES key.
decryptor = des('IJKLMNOP'.encode(), CBC, 'ABCDEFGH'.encode(), pad = None, padmode = PAD_NORMAL)
decrypted_string = decryptor.decrypt(b64_dec)
# Base64 includes character string terminater NULL, so we will remove it.
unicode_string = unicode(decrypted_string, 'utf-8')
new_length = 0
old_length = len(unicode_string)
for i in range(old_length):
    if ord(unicode_string[i]) == 0:# result of ord() == 0 means NULL character.
        break # NULL has found.
    new_length = new_length + 1
if new_length != old_length:
    unicode_string = unicode_string[0:new_length] # we've successfully removed NULL.