What is Hakatter?
Hakatter is the Twitter client application to measure many things and Tweet.
Basic Tweet bodies are prepare in templates. Most of times, you only have to input your measured values and Tweet them.
This is a suitable applicaton for the people who measure many things and Tweet these values.
It is also easy to add images and location informations into your Tweets.
The good application for the people who want to Tweet following informations.

	* Bargain informations.
	* Radioactive values.
	* The size and weight of fishes you fished.
	* Daily blood pressures.
	Or, many other things you want to Tweet. Your imagination will boosts the power of Hakatter!

Hakatter requires iOS 4.2 or later, iPhone, iPod touch, iPad.
Main View
Map View
What is template?
Select template
Select unit
Setting View

Comona Co., Ltd.