
What is PasSimple? PasSimple is easy to use ID/password manage sofotware, which runs on your Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad.
Important Don't forget to backup your password data with iTunes, occasionally.
  • Connect your iOS device to your Mac/PC with USB cable and launch iTunes.
  • Open "Apps" page of your iOS device and choose "PasSimple" in "Apps" list box below "File Sharing".
  • Then "password.passpod3" file appears in "Documents" list box.
  • Copy "password.passpod3" file from "Documents" list box to your Mac/PC.
  • What's new in Version 3.0.1? Add search feature.
    Support 5.8 inch new iPhone X display.
    Which version of iOS required for PasSimple? PasSimple requires iOS version 10.0 or later.

    Configure View.
    PasSimple shows "Configure View" at the first launch.
    Which you have to set top level password for PasSimple and display seconds, which PasSimple will show the each item's password.
    You can re-configure the settings with touching "toolbox" button(the button with a picture of driver and wrench.).
    You can enable/disable hide on shake. You can enable/disable password copy.
    Password Input View.
    Once you configured PasSimple, PasSimple will show "Password Input View" on every launch.
    Then you'll input the password which you configured on the setting view.
    You can display this view with touching Hide button, or shake your device to protect you ID/password items.
    Main View.
    The "Main View" of PasSimple is the table view, which is listing all of your ID/password items.
    You can add the item with touching "+" button, modify the item with touching the item and delete the item with swipe the item or with touching edit button just below the table view, then press delete button which shows on the item.
    The password will shawn when you touched "Show" button for the seconds which you set at the "Configure View".
    You can also hide the shawn password with touching "Hide" button.
    Item View.
    This view is the main target of this software, which allows you to record your ID and password.
    The title and password inputs are reqired to input.
    If you want to generate password with random characters, touch the "Generate" button. The view for auto generated password will appear.
    Password Generate View.
    This view generates random string password.
    Select the lenght and character types of string which you want to generate.
    Item Move View.
    Touch "Edit" button on "Main View", you will move to "Item Move View".
    You can move the item with this view.
    Search View.
    Touch "Search" button on "Main View", you will see to "Search View".
    You can search your password and folder items.

    Share the data with mutiple devices. If you want to copy your PasSimple data into your other devices, copy "passwordfile.passpod3" file from your iTunes "Apps" tab to your Mac/Win PC, then copy the file into your other devices.
    backup password data. Copy "passwordfile.passpod3" from iTunes to another storage.
    Forgot your PasSimple Password? Unfortunately, PasSimple encrypts your password data file with your PasSimple password. So there is no way to save the situation.
    All you can do is re-start from the scratch.
    To do so, delete "passwordfile.passpod3" file on your iTunes.
    How to hide keyboard? Touch on the view where out side of text fields. This Operation is avialable on "Configure View" and "Item View".
    How to re-order the list? Touch the "Edit" button, thendrag the item which you want to change the position. After you've done the re-order operation touch the "Done" button.
    Craate Folder. You can create folder with touching "+" button and select "Add New Folder". Input the folder name into the dialog box which displayed after select "Add New Folder". You cannot give the same name of other items in the same folder.
    Change Folder Name. Tap twice the folder name on the navigation bar. Input the new folder name into the dialog box which displayed after the tapping. You cannot give the same name of other items in the same folder. You cannot change the name of top folder.

    PasSimple help file bandled in PasSimple application.

    PasSimple page at App Store.