Please make the key pair according to the following procedures.

  1. Select Key management from System Menu.
  2. Key Management Dialog-box will shows up.
  3. Click Create button.
  4. Key Pair Creation Dialog-box will shows up.
  5. Set appropriate value to FTP, URL. If you do not want to upload public key on this moment, leave FTP text-box empty.
  6. Click OK button.

If you left FTP text-box empty on above method, Please open the public-key to the Internet in the following way.

  1. Select Key management from System Menu.
  2. Key Management Dialog-box will shows up.
  3. Click Property button.
  4. Key Pair Property Dialog-box will shows up.
  5. Click Public key button.
  6. Export public key Dialog-box will shows up.
  7. Name the file name.
  8. Click Save key button.
  9. Upload created file to Internet with FTP, NFS, SMB or any other methods.